Winter Beauty Musts!

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Hello Lovess…
How are you all today? Winter has hit Dallas and my skin is the first indicator! So I wanted to share with you all some of the musts I use in the winter season to keep my skin hyrdated… it can get so dry during this time!

I am loving the GlamGlow waterburst hydrating moisturizer! It has helped with the dryness SO much. Another product I am liking a lot is the Tan Luxe: The Face. I don’t know about yall, but I also like to have a little glow and this has given me the best natural tan look. If you aren’t using the Tan Luxe, I would highly recommend using the Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer! It is simply the best.. I use it as my base before putting on my make up. It also gives me a piece of mind because it has SPF in it. Sometimes that’s all I put on when I am in a hurry or don’t want to put on a full face of make up. One of my newest finds is this lip gloss by Lancome. You all know I love a good lip gloss and this is definitely my go to right now!

Some of the products that are tried and true for me, regardless of the season, are the Cetaphil face cleanser. This always removes make up easily and keeps my skin fresh! The next product that is always in my purse and ready to go is the Nars Creamy Concealer. My mom, sister and I all use this… it’s SO good!

What are you winter beauty musts?! DM me!!