Love love love a good night time routine!!  I think getting ready for bed should be a relaxing time to unwind and reflect on your day. Usually I’ll start by checking my bullet journal (just started doing bullet journaling and already LOVE IT) and writing a brief summary of my goals for tomorrow, things I need to do etc, it makes me feel more confident when I’m writing down my ideas and thoughts. Then I head to my bathroom–


I LOVE baths and usually take one when its been a hectic day, but most of the time I take a shower. My favorite body wash right now is Rainbath it smells so nice, then shampoo it depends on the day which shampoo I use I have yet to find one I really love! Then I wash my face after I finish my hair — TIP sometimes the soap from your hair can get on to your skin and cause breakouts so its best to wash your hair, then your face to get off any shampoo residue that was left on your skin from the shampoo.


Skincare is really important to me. I never ever miss a morning or evening of washing my face and doing my usual steps. My skin is ever evolving but right now– I have been using Lancer face wash— or Clinique ( Cetaphil is also a fave ) both are really awesome especially for sensitive skin. Then I use my face lotion from Lancer or Clinique and apply some drying lotion if needed.


Before I go to sleep I usually put my hair into a braid or two buns so I have a nice texture in the morning for school it makes life super easy!


Recently for lotion I have been using coconut oil— I am obsessed with how smooth it makes my skin! Something I learned recently is that anything that you put on your skin goes directly into your blood stream so make your you know what your putting on your body! Especially after you have been out in the sun the coconut oil makes your tan last soo long. I also love smelling some lavender aromatherapy before bed to make me super relaxed.

&& thats my night time routine! Let me know what your favorite night time routine rituals are down below!

