workout routine

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Hi Lovesss…
hope you are having a great day!
I am super excited to share my workout routine with y’all today. my routine is pretty simple, time efficient, and all about elongating your muscles…
These are my go-to workouts! Feel free to always DM me if you have any questions.
- TRAMPOLINE: I have been OBSESSED with the trampoline for so many reasons lately. first you can take it anywhere (college dorm room, backyard, your gym..etc) second- it tones your core, great for your mind when you have been studying/working a lot.. I like to take a 30 second jump break every 3o minutes when working… its also great for your circulation and overall muscle strength. I usually jump on, set a timer for about 5 minutes, play some music, and JUMP!!
- WALKING: if you know me, you know I am always out walking. it’s such a great time to enjoy nature, feel the sunshine on your face, and give your mind a rest. I try to walk about 2 miles everyday… which is around a 30 minute walk. easy, quick, and it really works! lately I have also been loving wearing the BALA weights to tone my legs– they are the BEST just strap them on and head outside turn on a podcast/music, and enjoy.