Lately I have been loving wavy textured hair, and top knots! Its the perfect balance between casual and sophisticated! Today I thought I would share with y’all a simple and easy hair routine that will make you feel positively fabulous!

Night before- Shower, dry hair, and then put your hair into two/ one braid depending on the thickness of your hair, or for looser waves place your hair into a low tight bun.

Morning after- Take your hair out of the braids or bun then apply a texturizing spray (salt and water an easy diy) if needed and scrunch up your hair between your fingers. ( You could even add two french braids in the top of your hair for a chic look)

Next morning- Pull your hair up into a high bun, and if you would like grab a small section of hair and wrap it around the bun!

Have fun with it! && let me know if you have any other cool hair tips below!


SOPHIE     unspecified-28