How to Get the Best Night of Sleep Ever!

I am the kind of person who must get their 7-8 hours of sleep nightly. Honestly though, it can be hard getting a good night of sleep if your nightly routine is checking your phone and responding to texts… I’m so guilty of this. These past few months I have been trying out a new nighttime routine and its GAMECHANGING!!! here is what I do..

1st- skincare routine!! I am obsessed with skincare & always wash my face and brush my teeth before bed. I also use these silk scrunchies (that don’t leave a dent in your hair) to keep my hair out of my face… & a silk pillow case which helps to reduce friction, tugging, and pulling on your skin!!

2nd- I get into bed put on my blue light glasses, and finish checking social media & respond to any texts.

3rd- read!!! I loveeeee LOVE LOVE to read before bed. It always makes me sleepy & is a great way to get entertainment without the blue light rays from your phone reducing your bodies melatonin production.

4th- I always take 4 of these magnesium CALM gummies before bed (a must have for me)… they help calm your nervous system, and reduce stress.

5th- Meditate!!! you would be surprised at what just 3-10 minutes of meditation can do for your sleep cycle. I use the Headspace guided meditation app morning and night.

Last step- BED TIME!!!

These are some steps I use when I am needing an amazing night of rest! I try to do this nightly… obviously sometimes I can’t get in all of these steps but I like to try and do at least 2-3 of them everyday!!


Much Love,
