New Years Goals

NEW YEARS is a fun time filled with goal setting, dancing, being with friends and family, and feeling empowered that you get a new year and a fresh start!!!

GOAL setting has helped me so much this year to progress toward my dreams!!


Setting steps to reach your GOALS sounds pretty good, so let’s make a plan.

  1. Take out a blank sheet of paper
  2. Get out a marker (any color)
  3. Think about big areas in your life that matter. For me its faith, family, friends, school work, my blog, service to others, also health & fitness
  4. What big general goals do you have for each area? Can you take that goal into a more specific idea, maybe with a time frame, and how you would know if you achieved it. Also, what would achieving that goal rate on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being HUGE impact and the 1 being a SMALLER impact
  5. Write out everything that you hope to achieve this year
  6. Put it on your bathroom mirror, in your calendar, anywhere that you will see each day
  7. Make sure that you read through the list each morning
  8. Start planning ways that you can reach these goals
  9. Each day take 10 minutes to check up on your goal. Then in those 10 minutes ask yourself these questions.
  • What did I do today to reach this goal?
  • What is the next thing I need to do to reach this goal?
  • What will I do (tomorrow/ this week/ this month) to reach this goal?