10 things you can do to keep in a positive mind set

I always think its important to keep yourself in a positive mindset– It always makes me feel better and less stressed, and more productive when my mind is not  focused on negativity or any negativity around me. It can be really reallllllllyyyyy easy to rub your energy off on someone and for someone to rub their energy off on you — that is why its SOOO important to keep positive so the people around you will feel happy and positive too. Today I thought I would share with y’all 10 ways to keep yourself in a positive mindset!

ONE- Doing something nice for someone else will in return make you feel good (EX. Giving a compliment a day to friends, fam, strangers…etc)

TWO-Going on a long walk outside and clearing your mind is a good way to process your thoughts, relive stress. and keep happy

THREE- Keeping a list of things you need to get done each day and sticking to them– it is usually when you start falling behind or forget to do something that you can feel upset with yourself causing negativity.

FOUR- Reading a devotional first thing in the morning can help you to start your day on a positive note ( You can shop my favorite devotional here)

FIVE- Listening to music can keep you feeling upbeat and in a positive mindset!

SIX- Schedule something that you love everyday after school whether its your favorite workout class, ice-cream stop, or coffee shop to study in– it will keep you  looking forward to something and excited all day.

SEVEN- Write down 3 things your thankful for everyday and try to stay focused on those.

EIGHT- Dress for success!!!! I think this is sooo important when YOU feel your most confident you will give off good energy and positivity will be spread all over you!

NINE- Don’t worry about what other people are acting like around you — BE yourself and radiate your positivity on everyone you meet!!

TEN- Don’t let negativity rub off on you let your positivity rub off onto everyone else. & SHOW LOVE in all circumstances.